Thursday, December 6, 2012

ravioli nn saltines

after a very very long few days. i feel ok. im not feeling my best but im also not feeling my worst. ive worked hard, ive sweated, ive cried, ive laughed, and ive pushed myself. it feels good in a want to just cry it out way. haha dont get me wrong jenni is perfectly fine, and perfectly happy. its just going to take time to get used to the new habits im developing. Like keeping my mind from thinking about people who just arent in my life. or keeping my room, bathroom, and dishes done and clean. Like running everyday. its exhausting. but i promised myself that i would run 3 miles a day at least. thats just naming just a few, haha but its interesting being able to turn my wants and thoughts into actions. its very fulfilling to not only be but to do. well i dont really have anything else to say and im going to go eat my chef boyardis ravioli and saltines. :) so heres a picture of a siberian husky and a sexy truck :) happy 6th day of december. quote of the day: "a man unwilling to fight for what he wants deserves what he gets." -Captain hook